Combination of Subjects :- Compulsory Subjects
  1. English
  2. Hindi
  3. Environmental Studies (Qualifying)
  4. 4.Computer Awareness (Basic Computer Education Level-1)
A candidate shall offer two elective subjects from Group I to Group V selecting any one subject from a given group :-
[table id=2 /]
Only(*) marked subjects are available in this college. Elective Subjects

A student is required to select two elective subjects in all, selecting one out of the following sets of combinations :

  1. Mathematics, Sanskrit
  2. Political Science, Sanskrit
  3. Economics, Sanskrit
  4. History, Sanskrit
  5. Mathematics, Computer Science
  6. Economics, Computer Science
  7. Mathematics, Economics
  8. Political Science, Economics
  9. Political Science, History
  10. Economics, History


  1. Combination of Sanskrit (Elective) and Computer Science is not allowed
  2. Combination of Mathematics and Political Science is not allowed.
  3. Combination of Mathematics and History is not allowed.
  4. Combination of Computer Science and History is not allowed.
  5. Combination of Computer Science and Political Science is not allowed.
MA English
1st Semester
Paper Code Paper Name Max. Marks
COURSE-I: Literature in English: 1550-1660 (PART-I) 100
COURSE-II: Literature in English:1660-1798(PART-I) 100
COURSE-ILL: Literature in English:1798-1914(PART-I) 100
COURSE-IV: Literature in English:1914-2000(PART-I) 100
COURSE-V: Study of a Genre (OPTION-I) Fiction (PART-I) 100
Study of a Genre (OPTION-H) Drama(PART-I) 100
Study of a Genre (OPTION-HI) Poetry (PART-I) 100
Paper Code 2nd Semester Paper Name Max. Marks
COURSE-VI: Literature in English: 1550-1660 (PART-H) 100
COURSE-VII: Literature in English: 1660-1798(P ART -11) 100
COURSE-VIII: Literature in English:1798-1914(PART-II) 100
COURSE-IX: Literature in English:1914-2000(PART-II) 100
COURSE-X: Study of a Genre (OPTION-I) Fiction (P ART -11) 100
Study of a Genre (OPTION-H) Drama (PART-II) 100
Study of a Genre (OPTION-Hi) Poetry (PART-II) 100
M.A. (Final) English Third and Fourth Semester Examination (Effective from the academic session (2009-2010) 3rd Semester
Paper Code Paper Name Max.Marks
COURSE-X1: Critical Theory(PART-1) 100
COURSE-XI1: American Literature (PART-I) 100
COURSE-XIII: Indian Writing in English (PART-1) 100
COURSE-X1V: (Opt.i) Colonial and Post-Colonial Studies (PART-1) 100
(Opt.ii) English Language (PART-1) 100
COURSE-XV: (Opt.i) Literature and Gender (PART-I) 100
(Opt.ii) Literature and Philosophy (PART-I) 100
(Opt.iii) New Literatures (PART-I) 100
4th Semester
Paper Code Paper Name Max.Marks
COURSE-XVI: Critical Theory (PART-II) 100
COURSE-XVI1: American Literature (PART-II) 100
COURSE-XVIII: Indian Writing in English (PART-II) 100
COURSE-XIX: (Opt.i) Colonial and Post-Colonial Studies (PART-II) 100
(Opt.ii) English Language (PART-II) 100
COURSE-XX: (Opt.i) Literature and Gender (PART-II) 100
(Opt.ii) Literature and Philosophy (PART-II) 100
(Opt.iii) New Literatures (PART-II) 100

Program Structure

Semester 1

Financial Accounting

Business Laws

Business Management

language(Hindi/English) communication

Computer Science Level 1

Computer Science (Level -1) Practical

Semester 2

Computerized Accounting System (Theory)

Computerized Accounting System (Practical)

Company Law

Business Statistics

Enviormental Studies

Human Value and Ethics

Semester 3

Corporate Accounting

Income Tax Law (Theory)

Income Tax Law (Practical)

Principles of Marketing

Personality Development

Semester 4

Cost Accounting

GST & Customs Law (Theory)

GST & Customs Law (Practical)

Human Resource Management

Community Development

Semester 5

Fundamentals of Insurance

Personal Finance

Secretarial Practice


Semester 6

Indian Financial System

Indian Economy

Indian Financial System

Personal Selling

B.Sc. Non-Medical

1st Year B.Sc Non-Medical Subjects

The first-year Bachelor of Science Non-Medical subjects are given below:

Semester I

Semester II

Language - EnglishLanguage - English
Regional LanguageRegional Language
MechanicsElectricity, Magnetism, and EMT
Mathematical PhysicsPhysical Chemistry
Organic & Inorganic ChemistryIntegral Calculus & Theory of equations
Differential Calculus, Geometry & MatricesOrganic Chemistry II

1st Year B.Sc Non-Medical Practical subjects:

Practical and lab work are highly associated with any B.Sc Non-Medical subject. Some of the Practical topics in the first-year B.Sc Non-Medical are given below:

  • Identify and separate the different ions that are present in the mixture.
  • Precise recording of the melting and boiling points of organic compounds.
  • Find the value of acceleration due to gravity using pendulums.
  • Contrasting the viscosity and surface tension of various liquids and solutions

2nd Year B.Sc Non-Medical Subjects

Some of the second-year B.Sc Non-Medical subjects are given below

Semester III

Semester IV

Language - EnglishLanguage - English
Regional LanguageRegional Language

Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics

Wave Vibrations and Optics

Inorganic Chemistry II

Organic & Inorganic Chemistry III

Differential Equations 

Physical Chemistry-III

Physical Chemistry-II

Linear Algebra

Real Analysis I


2nd Year B.Sc Non-Medical Practical subjects:

The Practical topics in the second-year B.Sc Non-Medical are given below:

  • Study resonance in series & parallel LCR circuit
  • Determine the capacitance, self-inductance, permeability, and permittivity of air
  • Examine the variation of the magnetic field along the axis of the coil
  • Calculate the value of V by studying the adiabatic expansion of a gas.

3rd Year B.Sc Non-Medical Subjects

The third-year B.Sc Non-Medical subjects are given below:

Semester V

Semester VI

Language - EnglishLanguage - English
Regional LanguageRegional Language

Organic Chemistry-IV

Comprehensive Chemistry

Physical Chemistry-IV

Statics and dynamics

Numerical Analysis

Modern algebra

 Condensed Matter Physics

Nuclear and Particle Physics



3rd Year B.Sc Non-Medical Practical subjects:

Some of the Practical topics in the third-year BSc Non-Medical are given below:

  • With the Column Chromatography method, separate the various mixes
  • Create several organic compounds
  • Synthesize the various compounds using a Green Method
  • Determine the molecular weight of a polymer by measuring its viscosity

Program Structure

Semester 1

MC 101- Organizational Behavior

MC 102-Business Environment

MC 103-Managerial Economics

MC 104-Company Law

MC 105-Accounting for Managerial Decisions

MC 106-Marketing Management

Semester II

MC 201-Human Resource Management

MC 202-International Business Environment

MC 203-Strategic Marketing

MC 204-Financial Management & Policy

MC 205-Corporate Accounting

MC 206-Business Statistics

MC 207-Viva-Voce cum Case Study

Semester III

MC 301-Computer Applications in Business

Finance & Taxation

Note:-Choose any one optional group

Optional Group I (Finance & Taxation)

MC 302-Advanced Financial Management

MC 303-Security Analysis and Investment Management

MC 304-Financial Institutions and Markets


Optional Group II (Finance & Taxation)

MC 305-Fund Management in Banking and Insurance Companies

MC 306-Merchant Banking and Financial Services

MC 307-Advanced Tax Laws and Practice


Note:-Choose any one optional group

Optional Group I (Marketing)

MC 308-Marketing Research

MC 309-Advertising Managementt

MC 310-Applications of Statistical Methods in Business


Optional Group II (Marketing)

MC 311-International Marketing

MC 312-Foreign Trade Policy & Procedures

MC 313-Retail Management

HRM & General Management

Note:-Choose any one optional group

Optional Group I (HRM & General Management)

MC 314-Entrepreneurship Development

MC 315-Business Ethics & Social Responsibility

MC 316-Human Resource Development


Optional Group II (HRM & General Management)

MC 316-Management of Industrial Relations

MC 317-Cross-Cultural and Global Human Resource Management

MC 318-Compensation Management

Semester IV

MC 401-IT and E-Commerce

Finance & Taxation

Note:-Choose any one optional group

Optional Group I (Finance & Taxation)

MC 402-Corporate Tax Planning and Management

MC 403-Project Planning and Control

MC 404-International Financial Reporting Standards


Optional Group II (Finance & Taxation)

MC 405-Portfolio Management

MC 406-Multinational Financial Management

MC 407-Stock Market Operations


Note:-Choose any one optional group

Optional Group I (Marketing)

MC 408-Sales Management

MC 409-Services Marketing

MC 410-Supply Chain Management


Optional Group II (Marketing)

MC 411-Consumer Behaviour

MC 412-Rural Marketing

MC 413-International Economics

HRM & General Management

Note:-Choose any one optional group

Optional Group I (HRM & General Management)

MC 414-Corporate Governance

MC 415- International Human Resource Management

MC 416- Event Management


Optional Group II (HRM & General Management)

MC 417- Organizational Change and Intervention Strategies

MC 418-Strategic Human Resource Management

MC 419- Corporate Level & Centre Level Strategies

MC 420- Viva-Voce cum Case Study

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